I am decoding JPEG frames to Graphics.TBitmap objects using the FastJpeg library (jpegdec.pas). The decode works fine and I print the bitmap to file for visual inspection using the TBitmap.SaveToFile() method and it looks great. I then call GetObject() using the TBitmap handle to get a TDibSection object. The TDibSection object returned does show the correct values for the top level fields (bmWidth, bmHeight, etc.) although bmBit is NIL and I find that surprising seeing as the SaveToFile() call did write the image out to disk correctly. The problem I'm having is that the TBitmapHeaderInfo field (dsBmih) is all zeroes. Also, the dsBitFields, dshSection, and dsOffset fields are all zeroes too if that matters. It's as if it filled in the primary fields and everything after that was left out. Here's a dump of the TDibSection object returned:
dsBm: (0, 320, 240, 1280, 1, 32, nil)
dsBmih: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
dsBitfields: (0, 0, 0)
dshSection: 0
dsOffset: 0
The code below shows bascially what I am doing. Why am I getting back a blank TBitmapHeaderInfo field? This is causing problems with my calls to the AVI dll so I need to fix this.
Here's the code snippet
theBitmap: Graphics.TBitmap;
aryBytes: TDynamicByteArray;
dibs: TDibSection;
aryBytes := nil;
// The following function loads JPEG frame #0 from a collection of JPEG frames.
aryBytes := LoadJpegFrame(0);
// Decode the first JPEG frame so we can pass it to the compressor
// selector call.
theBitmap := JpegDecode(@aryBytes[0], Length(aryBytes));
if GetObject(theBitmap.Handle, sizeof(dibs), @dibs) = 0 then
raise Exception.Create('Get Object failed getting the TDibSection information for the bitmap.');
// ... The TBitmapHeaderInfo field in dibs is empty as described in the post.
UPDATE: In response to the comment by TLama I have updated the code as you can see below. It now works. I have some questions:
1) Can the code be streamlined? It is obviously a lot more complicated than the original code above and perhaps I am performing too many steps.
2) Am I freeing all the memory and releasing all the GDI handles & objects that I need to? I don't want any memory leaks.
Here is the updated code:
bmi: TBitmapInfo;
pImg: PJpegDecode;
jpegDecodeErr: TJpegDecodeError;
pBits: Pointer;
hr := 0; pImg := nil; hbm := 0; pBits := nil;
jpegDecodeErr := JpegDecode(@aryBytes[0], Length(aryBytes), pImg);
if jpegDecodeErr <> JPEG_SUCCESS then
raise Exception.Create('(TfrmMain_moviemaker_.cmdTestClick) The bitmap failed to decode with error code: ' + IntToStr(Ord(jpegDecodeErr)));
if not Assigned(pImg) then
raise Exception.Create('(TfrmMain_moviemaker_.cmdTestClick) The bitmap decoded from the first JPEG frame in the video file is unassigned: ' + fullVideoInFilename);
theBitmap := pImg.ToBitmap;
// Now create a DIB section.
hbm := CreateDIBSection(theBitmap.Handle, bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, pBits, 0, 0);
raise Exception.Create('(TfrmMain_moviemaker_.cmdTestClick) One of the parameters passed to CreateDIBSection is invalid.');
if hbm = 0 then
raise Exception.Create('(TfrmMain_moviemaker_.cmdTestClick) The call to CreateDIBSection failed.');
// Select the compressor. This call USED to fail before TLama's
// suggestion. Now it works.
hr := aviMaker.compression(hbm, nil, true, Self.Handle);
if hr <> S_OK then
raise Exception.Create('(TfrmMain_moviemaker_.cmdTestClick) Error during compressor selector call: ' + FormatAviMessage(hr));
if Assigned(pImg) then
pImg := nil;
if Assigned(theBitmap) then
if hbm > 0 then
end; // try (2)