meteor helper functions, lambdas and lexical this

2019-07-09 12:10发布


g'day, I read meteor was going all ecmascript 6 - and thought awesome... "I never have to write 'function' again" - so quickly changed a bunch of functions over to lambdas... only to discover it doesn't work :(

If you write a helper function in meteor - you get the data context passed in in the "this" property - but of course, lambdas use a lexical this - so I understand the problem pretty simply.

the thing is - what is not obvious to me is the solution - any idea how you would make a helper function using the () => notation that needs the current data context? It doesn't seem to live anywhere other than "this"?


Use shorthand for defining functions as object properties:

  someHelper() {

But if you really want to use () => syntax, you may be interested in using Template.currentData() instead of this:

  someHelper: () => {

From documentation:


Inside a helper, returns the data context of the DOM node where the helper was used.


ECMAScript 2015 didn't deprecate function(). Arrow functions are not shorthand syntax, they have different semantics, most notably, lexical this binding.

You can't have a contextual this in an arrow function - use standard functions instead.