I got a question about buffer. Here is my code:
var Grid = require('gridfs-stream');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var gfs = Grid(db, mongodb);
var deferred = Q.defer();
var image_buf = new Buffer('buffer');
var readableStream = gfs.createReadStream(name);
image_buf = Buffer.concat([image_buf, chunk]);
console.log(image_buf)//differ from the chunk above
return deferred.promise;
What I'm doing is to read an image from MongoDB and put it in the gridfs-stream. I really want to retrieve all chunks in the stream and pass them to another variable so that I can reuse these chunks to draw an image in another API. Therefore I use image_buf and Buffer to perform the task. However, I get a completely different buffer string. As you can see in the above code, I consoled the chunk and the image_buf I got, but they are totally different. Can anyone tell me the reason for this and how can I correctly collect all chunks? Thanks a lot!!!
UPDATE: OK, so I figured it out now: I will append my code below for anyone who is struggling with the same problem as mine:
if (!image_buf)
image_buf = chunk;
else image_buf = Buffer.concat([image_buf, chunk]);