I am trying to return a list of roles back to a mobile client device from the WL server
In the createIdentity method of my LoginModule I added the following code
HashMap<String, Object> customAttributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
customAttributes.put("AuthenticationDate", new Date());
Set<String> groups = new HashSet<String>();
UserIdentity identity = new UserIdentity(loginModule, USERNAME, "Fred Flintstone", groups, customAttributes, PASSWORD);
The display Name "Fred Flintstone" gets returned to the mobile device, the custom attributes get returned, but the group information seems to get lost somewhere.
I get the following displayed in the mobile device logs
"BasicAuthRealm":{"userId":"user1","attributes":{"AuthenticationDate":"Thu Nov 14 22:39:35 EST 2013"},"isUserAuthenticated":1,"displayName":"Fred Flintstone"},"WL-Authentication-Success":{"BasicAuthRealm":{"userId":"user1","attributes":{"AuthenticationDate":"Thu Nov 14 22:39:35 EST 2013"},"isUserAuthenticated":1,"displayName":"Fred Flintstone"}},
I am running WL Enterprise edition and running against a Liberty server v8.5.5.0
Any ideas?