I'm using NodeJS for the backend, and ReactJS for the frontend.
I've a problem with request Axios network. All my Get request work. But Post request don't work. I have just this error "network error"
I created a simple webservice to show you my problem :
//Serveur code
helloWs : (request:Express.Request, response:Express.Response) => {
try {
response.send('hello WS !')
} catch (error) {
response.send('error' + error + 'status : ' + error.response.status)
//Here I create my root
//This is my front
axios.post('http://localhost:9000/1/documents/helloWs', {
}) .catch(function (error) {
if (error.response) {
console.log('Error data : ', error.response.data);
console.log('Error status : ', error.response.status);
console.log('Error headers : ', error.response.headers);
} else if (error.request) {
console.log('Error request : ', error.request);
} else {
console.log('Error message : ', error.message);
In the navigator console, I've just network error
, and my webservice is in OPTION and not in "POST"
I'm trying to add header in axios, but it doesn't work. I specify that I've tested with postman, and it's okay. Do you have an idea ? Thank you