I am using table adapter Query configuration wizard in Visual studio 2013 for getting data from my database. For some queries like this:
FROM ItemsTable
ORDER BY date_of_creation desc, time_of_creation desc
OFFSET (@PageNumber - 1) * @RowsPerPage ROWS
it doesn't recognize the @pageNumber as a paremeter and it cannot generate function that has these arguments while it works fine for queries like:
Select Top (@count) * from items_table
Why does in first query tableadapter fail to generate function with mentioned arguments whereas it can generate function fine for second one for example: tableadapter.getDataByCount(?int count)
Am I forced to use stored procedure, if yes since I don't know anything about it how?
Update: The Problem exactly occurs in TableAdapter Configuration Wizard in DataSet editor (VS 2013) and it doesn't generate functions with these parameters some times it says @RowsPerPage should be declared! but it should generate a function with this arguments I found that it happens when we don't use @parameter_name in clause other than SELECT and WHERE for example in this query we used the, in Offset clause.