I need to create an adjacency matrix with graphs vertexes represented as facts:
I'll need to output the matrix:
0 1 0
0 0 1
0 0 1
I know I should make a list for each line, but problems arise when they're symbols, not numbers, so I don't have any idea how to know the size of that list (if for example there's a graph(e,f). the list must be six numbers long so the f can fit). I don't want the full answer, if you just want to tell me a sketch of what to do, I suppose I'll be fine.
I haven't written much Prolog code recently, but this is approximately what I think I would write (not tested):
printedge(X,Y) :- graph(X,Y), write("1 ").
printedge(X,Y) :- \+ graph(X,Y), write("0 ").
printmatrix :-
List = [a,b,c,d],
member(Y, List),
member(X, List),
Now you only need to get a list of elements somehow.
To get a list of all nodes:
node(X) :- graph(X,_).
node(X) :- graph(_,X).
allnodes(Nodes) :-
setof(X, node(X), Nodes). % removes duplicates
To get the number of nodes:
numnodes(N) :-
length(Nodes, N).