SQL Server 2008: Sql Insert/Update into another ta

2019-07-09 04:28发布


I have a procedure for insert in multiple dependent tables (update in case record exist). I have input parameters as comma separated string which I am reading in table.

After 1st insertion I am getting InsertedIds in another table variable. I am struggling over how to do insert in 2nd table. I have following input parameters for 2nd table:

Declare @IdsToBeUpdated table (primary key identity pkey, id int) -- values are 1,-1,3,-1
Declare @CommentsTobeInserted table( primary key identity pkey, comment varchar (max)) -- values are 'com1', 'com2', 'com3'

-1 input in table @IdsToBeUpdated depicts insertion for the corresponding rows in all input tables and value other than -1 depicts that records at that pkey value in all other tables (@CommentsTobeInserted table as in example) have to be updated.

So after first insertion I am getting the inserted ids for rows with -1 value. @InsertedIds = 4,5

So my Ids list logically would become.. 1,4,3,5.

But I am stuck now how to insert/update records in second table respectively. 2nd table would be like follows:

Pkey Primary key identity, commentIds(coming from inserted ids and @IdsToBeUpdated), comments.

I have added one more InsertedIds column in @CommentsTobeInserted. If I could fill it with right InsertedId against correct row, I guess I would be able to do insert/update in 2nd table. And where the value is Id in new column I would do insert, where it's null, I would perform update using @IdsToBeUpdated table. But currently none of my approach is working. I am new to SQL. Any help would be highly appreciated.

Following is some portion of script for better understanding. I have added first insertion script as well.

USE [Demo]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[USP_NewRequest_Insert]    Script Date: 2/11/2016 2:50:34 PM ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[USP_NewRequest_Insert] 
--------- SomeInput parameters
---------for first insertion omitted
 @IdsToBeUpdated varchar(MAX),  --Values are 23|-1|32|-1|-1
@CommentList AS VARCHAR(MAX),   --Values 'C2'|'C4'|'C5'|'C6'|'C7'     
  @MCodeList VARCHAR(MAX),      --Values  'M2'|'M4'|'M5'|'M6'|'M7' 
 @CustomerIdsList VARCHAR(MAX), ----Values  'Cust2'|'Cust4'|'Cust5'|'Cust6'|'Cust7' 
 @ReturnValue  AS INT OUTPUT,            
 ------------------Data is in the order it has to be inserted.. where IDs exist in @IdsToBeUpdated, updation would be done. For -1 values, insertion.

 --------------------------Split input strings aand insert in Table variable----------------------------
  declare @MCodes Table (pkey int primary key identity, MCode varchar(20))
      insert into @MCodes select s.Item from [dbo].UDF_SplitString(@MCodeList, '|') s

      declare @CusCodes Table (pkey int primary key identity, CusCode varchar(200))
      insert into @CusCodes select s.Item from [dbo].UDF_SplitString(@CustomerIdsList, '|') s

      declare @ReqDetailsIds Table (pkey int primary key identity, Id Int)
      insert into @ReqDetailsIds select Convert(INT,RTRIM(LTRIM(s.Item))) from [dbo].UDF_SplitString(@IdsToBeUpdated, '|') s
where s.Item is not null and RTRIM(LTRIM(s.Item)) <>''

      declare @ProductComments Table (pkey int primary key identity, Comment Varchar(max), insertedId int null)
      insert into @ProductComments(Comment) select s.Item from [dbo].UDF_SplitString(@CommentList, '|') s
DECLARE @intErrorCode int;

 -----------------First Insertion which returns inserted IDs for 2nd insertion
---Insert/Update product details in [RequestDetails]        
  Declare @InsertedIDList Table (pkey int primary key identity, ID int);  --------Table to read inserted Ids. Used in query below
-----------------------Insert query in case Detail id = -1
  INSERT INTO [dbo].[RequestDetails]
           ,[ExpectedVolume]------Some parameters coming for first insertion in input
           Output INSERTED.ReqDetailId Into @InsertedIDList(ID)
SELECT A.MCode, B.CusCode, E.Vol,1
FROM @MCodes A
    JOIN @CusCodes B ON B.pkey = A.pkey
    JOIN @ExpectedVols E ON E.pkey = A.pkey
    JOIN @ReqDetailsIds G ON G.pkey = A.pkey
WHERE G.Id = -1           --If id = -1, insert

 ---------------------------Update Query for rest records
UPDATE [dbo].[RequestDetails]
   SET [MCode] = upd.MCode
      ,[CustomerIds] = upd.CusCode
      ,[ExpectedVolume] = upd.ExVol
      ,[StatusCode] = 1
    SELECT A.MCode, B.CusCode, E.ExVol, G.Id
FROM @MCodes A
    JOIN @CusCodes B ON B.pkey = A.pkey
    JOIN @ExpectedVols E ON E.pkey = A.pkey
    JOIN @ReqDetailsIds G ON G.pkey = A.pkey
    WHERE G.Id <> -1
    ) upd
WHERE upd.Id = dbo.RequestDetails.ReqDetailId

  SET @intErrorCode = @@Error            
   GOTO ERROR          
   SET @ReturnValue=1            

----------------------------Now similarly I have to do insert/update in Comments Table. But
----------------------------Comments table has RequestDetails Id column as foreign key. So 
----------------------------now the challange is to add the rows with Inserted ID where value was = -1 
----------------------------in input. We have got the IDs corresponding to -1 values from above insertion
----------------------------in the @InsertedIDList Table variable
----------------------------Following is what I have tried so far. But I am not able to insert
----------------------------correct InsertedId against correct record.

-----------------------Here I tried to insert the new generated ids against corresponding comments in table variable.
-----------------------So that I can perform insert where value is not null. As NULL would be inserted where new ID has not been created
-----------------------and corresponding updated ID exists in input (Values not equal to -1)
Update @ProductComments  set insertedId = i.ID from                                         ---------This query is not working
(select A.pkey, B.id as detailId, row_number() over (order by (select 0)) as row_num  from
@ProductComments A
    JOIN @ReqDetailsIds B ON B.pkey = A.pkey) as mappedNewIds right join
     @InsertedIDList i on i.pkey = mappedNewIds.row_num
     where  mappedNewIds.pkey = [@ProductComments].pkey

----Insert in CommentsTable for New Comments against request
INSERT INTO [dbo].CommentsTable
            ( ReqDetailId, Comments, CreatedOn  )
SELECT  A.insertedId, A.Comment, GETDATE()
FROM @ProductComments A
    where A.insertedId is not null

-----Update Query
UPDATE [dbo].[CommentsTable]
   SET [ReqDetailId] = upd.Id
      ,[Comments] = upd.Comment
      ,[CreatedOn] = GetDate()
    SELECT A.Comment, B.Id
FROM @ProductComments A
    JOIN @ReqDetailsIds B ON B.pkey = A.pkey
WHERE  A.insertedId is not null
    ) upd
WHERE upd.Id = dbo.CommentsTable.ReqDetailId


    select * from CommentsTable;

  SET @intErrorCode = @@Error            
   GOTO ERROR          
   SET @ReturnValue=1            


IF (@intErrorCode <> 0) BEGIN
 SET @ReturnValue = 0;