I'm making a conditional statement in openpyxl
Python to check if a cell is empty. Here's my code:
newlist = []
looprow = 1
print ("Highest col",readex.get_highest_column())
getnewhighcolumn = readex.get_highest_column()
for i in range(0, lengthofdict):
prevsymbol = readex.cell(row = looprow,column=getnewhighcolumn).value
if prevsymbol == "None":
looprow += 1
#print (prevsymbol)
I tried if prevsymbol == "":
and if prevsymbol == null:
to no avail.
You compare prevsymbol
with str
"None", not None
object. Try
if prevsymbol == None:
Also here
prevsymbol = readex.cell(row = looprow,column=getnewhighcolumn).value
you use looprow
as row index. And you increment looprow
only if cell.value
is not empty. Here
you use newstocks
instead of newlist
. Try this code
newlist = []
print ("Highest col",readex.get_highest_column())
getnewhighcolumn = readex.get_highest_column()
for i in range(0, lengthofdict):
prevsymbol = readex.cell(row = i+1,column=getnewhighcolumn).value
if prevsymbol is not None:
Take the quotes away from the None.
if prevsymbol is None:
This is the python equivalent of checking if something is equal to null.