Im using linq-to-twitter and I want to pass in a tag to search from and collect the data (the text, username, user picture. I can return a search entity, but I want to go further to find the text, and in the docs it says the Search entity has a result field which is a list of SearchEntities, but it is not appearing for me. I got the red lines under it for both of the below cases:
Case 1:
using (var twitterCtx = new TwitterContext())
var searchResults =
(from search in twitterCtx.Search
where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
search.Query == tag &&
search.IncludeEntities == true
select search)
searchResults.Results.ForEach(entry =>
and Case 2: (I just embedded it for a quick example)
var latestTweets= (from tweet in twitterCtx.Search
where tweet.Count == 200 &&
select tweet).Take(20);
foreach (var tweet in latestTweets)
foreach(var tweet2 in tweet.Result)
.Result just isn't showing up... EDIT: API doc