ng: command not found

2019-07-09 01:53发布


I am trying to run ng build in my project folder, but I get the following response:

bash: ng: command not found

What am I missing? Does it have to do with admin privileges, my path/profile, or something I need to install globally?

This is my package.json:

"name": "meanauthapp",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "MEAN stack authentication app",
"main": "app.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "node app"
"dependencies": {
"express": "4.16.2",
"mongoose": "4.13.6",
"bcryptjs": "2.4.3",
"cors": "2.8.4",
"jsonwebtoken": "8.1.0",
"body-parser": "1.18.2",
"passport": "0.4.0",
"passport-jwt": "3.0.1"
"author": "",
"license": "MIT",
"devDependencies": {
  "@angular/cli": "^1.6.0"


try to uninstall and clean the cache.

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache clean
npm install -g @angular/cli


In case others come here with this issue as I have, here is how I solved it system-wide on MacOS. Hope this helps.

Verify node is installed:

$ node -v

Verify npm is installed:

$ npm -v

Verify your npm global install file path is configured (known as prefix). Mine is under ~/.npm-packages:

$ npm config ls -l | grep prefix
prefix = "/Users/christiangroleau/.npm-packages"

If not, you can place it into your ~/.npmrc file:

echo prefix=~/.npm-packages >> ~/.npmrc

Verify that your prefix path is listed in your system PATH:

$ echo $PATH

If not, invoke the following:

export PATH="$HOME/.npm-packages/bin:$PATH"

Finally, you can reinstall angular-cli (in my case I needed to install it globally):

$ npm install -g @angular/cli

Verify installation:

$ ng -v


Try this:

node_modules/.bin/ng build

Or better, add a blank "ng": "ng"line into your scripts key in package.json and run this:

`npm run ng build`

You could also add this to your path:

export PATH=$PATH:./node_modules/bin

Which would let you run any binary in any npm project you might have.


npm doesn't recognize ng command.

Try this command:

npm link @angular/cli

to link npm and angular-cli.


You need to install the Angular CLI globally. Run npm install -g @angular/cli


Based on your comments to other answers: This npm issue might be related to your problem, your npm installation might be outdated.

First of check whether you use a recent version of node. Then update npm with npm i -g npm as the issue suggests (near bottom). Then if ng is still not found follow the update instructions of @angular/cli:

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache verify
# if npm version is < 5 then use 'npm cache clean'
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest