I successfully compiled v8 javascript engine (on windows) ; now I try to follow the Getting started article but I am stuck at this point:
- Compile hello_world.cpp, linking to the static libraries created in the build process.
The example is for linux (and probably for an earlier version).
I tried to link against all libraries that I could without success:
g++ -std=c++0x -I"C:\Users\Yvain\Documents\depot_tools\v8" -Llib -lv8_libbase -lv8_base_0 -lv8_base_1 -lv8_base_2 -lv8_base_3 -lgmock -lgtest -licui18n -licuuc -lv8_external_snapshot -lv8_libplatform -lv8_nosnapshot hello_world.cpp -o hello_world
It gives the following errors:
undefined reference to « v8::V8::InitializeICU(char const*) »
[...]undefined reference to « v8::V8::InitializeExternalStartupData(char const*) »
[...]undefined reference to « v8::Isolate::Exit() »
There is a working example: v8/sample/hello-world.vcxproj
but I don't understand where the libraries are specified in the project.