New to PowerShell, so kind of learning by doing.
The process I have created works, but it ends up locking down my machine until it is completed, eating up all memory. I thought I had this fixed by looking into forcing the garbage collector, and also moving from a for-each statement to using %()
to loop through everything.
Quick synopsis of process: Need to merge multiple SharePoint log files into single ones to track usage across all of the companies' different SharePoint sites. PowerShell loops through all log directories on the SP server, and checks each file in the directory if it already exists on my local machine. If it does exist it appends the file text, otherwise it does a straight copy. Rinse-repeat for each file and directory on the SharePoint Log server. Between each loop, I'm forcing the GC because... Well because my basic understanding is the looped variables are held in memory, and I want to flush them. I'm probably looking at this all wrong. So here is the script in question.
$FinFiles = 'F:\Monthly Logging\Logs'
dir -path '\\SP-Log-Server\Log-Directory' | ?{$_.PSISContainer} | %{
$CurrentDir = $_
dir $CurrentDir.FullName | ?(-not $_.PSISContainer} | %{
if($_.Extension -eq ".log"){
$DestinationFile = $FinFiles + '\' + $_.Name
if((Test-Path $DestinationFile) -eq $false){
New-Item -ItemType file -path $DestinationFile -Force
Copy-Item $_.FullName $DestinationFile
$A = Get-Content $_.FullName ; Add-Content $DestinationFile $A
Write-Host "Log File"$_.FullName"merged."
Granted the completed/appended log files get very very large (min 300 MB, max 1GB). Am I not closing something I should be, or keeping something open in memory? (It is currently sitting at 7.5 of my 8 Gig memory total.)
Thanks in advance.