
python --> pyinstaller - .exe file will return

2019-07-08 09:11发布


[1] The code is:

import Tkinter
from Tkinter import *

# Create Tk instance
root = Tkinter.Tk(className="test")

# Open Notepad
def openNotepad():
    import pywinauto
    app = pywinauto.Application.start("notepad.exe")

# Add menu 
menu = Menu(root)
filemenu = Menu(menu)
menu.add_cascade(label="01 File", menu=filemenu)
filemenu.add_command(label="New", command=openNotepad)

# Pack all

[2] The code works if I double click on .py file.

If I leave only the openNotepad() function, then .exe will work.

According to docs: https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/wiki/Supported-Packages, the pywinauto library is supported.

If I leave only the Tkinter snippet, the .exe will work.

Therefore please share what I am doing wrong or please suggest other python installer for python 2.7x.


By commenting out the line starting with: excludedimports in files \PyInstaller\hooks\hook-PIL.py and hook-PIL.SpiderImagePlugin.py, the problem was solved.


Try to replace every exit(), quit(), or os._exit() with sys.exit(). I see that you don't have any of these in your code but somebody else might find this advice to be useful.

My versions: python3.4, pyinstaller3.1.1