How do I use in $in operator using the 2.0 version

2019-07-08 09:06发布


I found a lot of examples of how do use $in in the previous mongodb c# driver, but I can not find any examples on how to do it in the 2.0 version.


Use the AnyIn operator for the typed version:

Builders<TDocument>.Filter.AnyIn(x => x.Array,searchArray)


I was able to figure it out. Here is how to define the Bson document for the Find method:

BsonDocument bson = new BsonDocument("_id", new BsonDocument("$in", new BsonArray(vins)));


Or, how about this

var ft = new BsonDocument("ListOfString", new BsonDocument("$in", varString));
var result = myContext.myPOCO.Find(ft);