I am using Firebase Cloud Firestore, however, I think this may be more of a JavaScript promise issue.
I have a collection called "students" which I am querying. For each found student I want to issue another query to find "parents" related by id.
For this, I have to nest a promise / foreach query and result inside another promise / foreach query and result.
Its currently executing the entire "students" promise/loop, returning from the function, then executing each of the "parents" promise/loops afterwards.
I want it to step through one found student, then execute all parents for that student, then go onto the next student, then return from the function.
getStudents(grade) {
let grade_part = this.getGrade(grade);
var dbRef = db.collection("students");
var dbQuery = dbRef.where('bb_current_grade', '==', grade_part);
var dbPromise = dbQuery.get();
var allStudents = [];
return dbPromise.then(function(querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.forEach(doc => {
var studentPlusParents = doc.data();
studentPlusParents.parents = [];
var dbRef = db.collection("parents");
var dbQuery = dbRef.where('student_id', '==', doc.data().id);
var dbPromise = dbQuery.get();
dbPromise.then(function(querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.forEach(parentDoc => {
console.log("Add parent");
return Promise.all(allStudents);
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error getting documents: ", error);