I am trying to configure a log4j2
config to route messages to different logfiles for a multithreaded program via threadname.
Here is what I have, so far (relevant to log4j2 config):
|-/src/main/java/log4j2/plugins |-- ThreadLookup.java |-/src/main/resources |-- log4j2.xml
package log4j2.plugins;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LogEvent;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.plugins.Plugin;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.StrLookup;
@Plugin(name="threadLookup", category=StrLookup.CATEGORY)
public class ThreadLookup implements StrLookup {
public String lookup(String key) {
return Thread.currentThread().getName();
public String lookup(LogEvent event, String key) {
// Check event first:
if (event.getThreadName() != null) {
return event.getThreadName();
// Fallback to key if event doesn't define a threadName:
return this.lookup(key);
Log4j2.xml (It is my understanding that the packages
attribute of Configuration
should read in ThreadLookup.java
and based on the annotation create a new threadLookup
prefix to let me call lookup(String key)
with whatever value I want to -- in this case I am not using a specific value because this class will only do a threadName lookup):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="error" strict="true" schema="Log4J-V2.0.xsd"
<Property name="logMsgPattern">%date{yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level ${sys:pid}[%thread] %class %method:%line - %message%n</Property>
<Console name="console" target="SYSTEM_OUT" >
<PatternLayout pattern="${logMsgPattern}" />
<Routing name="routing">
<Routes pattern="$${threadLookup:threadName}">
<RollingFile name="RollingFile-${threadLookup:threadName}"
<PatternLayout pattern="${logMsgPattern}"/>
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="100 MB" />
<!-- Config for other appenders snipped -->
<!-- Config for other loggers snipped -->
<Root level="${sys:log4j.console.threshold}">
<AppenderRef ref="rootOut" level="trace" />
<AppenderRef ref="rootErr" level="error" />
<AppenderRef ref="console" level="${sys:log4j.console.threshold}" />
<AppenderRef ref="routing" level="trace" />
However, when I launch my app, it just creates an additional file called thread-${threadLookup
(no extension) in my log directory. It also never hits any breakpoints in ThreadLookup.java
How can I register the plugin with log4j2 (I was using version 2.2
, I also tried 2.3
)? Note, I am using a spring-framework 4.1.7
project, if that helps at all; I use maven
for the project as well, but I am only using it to resolve dependencies, I build the project via ant
When I build the script via ant, I do actually get a Log4j2Plugins.dat that shows up in my classpath (-cp resources:bin
), but it doesn't seem to effect the outcome of the logs that are generated on the server:
$ find bin/META-INF/ -type f
$ cat bin/META-INF/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/config/plugins/Log4j2Plugins.dat
$ vi bin/META-INF/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/config/plugins/Log4j2Plugins.dat
$ find logs -type f -name "thread-*"