geting error with Dictionary

2019-07-08 08:35发布


     let parameter : Dictionary<String,AnyObject> =  ["action":"add-playlist-item","playlist_id":self.dictPlayList.objectForKey("ID")!,"kod_id":arrayOfID]

error ["action": add-playlist-item, "playlist_id": 166, "kod_id": <_TtCs21_SwiftDeferredNSArray 0x7c615620>( 21, 18 ) ]

_TtCs21_SwiftDeferredNSArray 0x7c615620 what does this error mean??


Array is a value type and it's not an object, but a struct. So it doesn't conform to AnyObject protocol. Use Any instead of AnyObject. See more details here and here.


Check that you are using JSON parameter encoding, not URL encoding.

You may be having the same problem I was having. I was seeing <_TtCs21_SwiftDeferredNSArray 0x7c615620> appear in my requests too. When I changed to JSON encoding, everything worked. I don't think a dictionary structure like that can be properly URL encoded. I'm not sure how you're actually making the request or I would post code.