I'm trying to implement the example at:
There are three parts to the custom control:
Relevant source:
All the pieces are in place, and the code using the new control is as follows:
AutoCompleteQueryResultProvider="{Binding AutoCompleteQueryResultProvider}"
Margin="10" FontSize="20" PopupHeight="300">
I just need to hook into the ListBox's SelectionChanged event in my pages XAML / ViewModel, how can this be accomplished?
Edit: In XAML / VM, not view code behind. Thus far all view code behinds are empty and I'd like to keep it that way.
I thought there was some way to override PART_ListBox in a ControlTemplate override in MainWindow.XAML?
Edit: Final solution, thanks to mm8
In the AutoCompleteTextBox.cs, create a dependency property of type ICommand:
public const string AutoCompleteSelectionChangedPropertyName = "AutoCompleteSelectionChangedCommand";
public ICommand AutoCompleteSelectionChangedCommand
get { return (ICommand) GetValue(AutoCompleteSelectionChangedProperty); }
set { SetValue(AutoCompleteSelectionChangedProperty, value);}
public static readonly DependencyProperty AutoCompleteSelectionChangedProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
In the SetResultText method:
View / ViewModel usage:
<ac:AutoCompleteTextBox Name="AutoComplete"
AutoCompleteQueryResultProvider="{Binding AutoCompleteQueryResultProvider}"
AutoCompleteSelectionChangedCommand="{Binding CommandEditValueChanged}">
public ICommand CommandEditValueChanged { get; set; }
public MainWindowViewModel(){
CommandEditValueChanged = new DelegateCommand<object>(OnEditValueChanged);
private void OnEditValueChanged(object result){
// do stuff
You could handle the Loaded event of the AutoCompleteTextBox in the view, get a reference to the PART_ListBox in the control template using the FindName method and then hook up an event handler for the SelectionChanged event of the ListBox:
AutoCompleteQueryResultProvider="{Binding AutoCompleteQueryResultProvider}"
Margin="10" FontSize="20" PopupHeight="300" Loaded="AutoCompleteTextBox_Loaded">
private void AutoCompleteTextBox_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
AutoCompleteTextBox actb = sender as AutoCompleteTextBox;
ListBox lb = actb.Template.FindName("PART_ListBox", actb) as ListBox;
if (lb != null)
lb.SelectionChanged += (ss, ee) =>
MainWindowViewModel vm = DataContext as MainWindowViewModel;
//invoke a command of the view model or do whatever you want here...
var selectedItem = lb.SelectedItem;
Your view model class has no (and shouldn't have any) reference nor knowledge about the ListBox that is part of the template of the control.
I thought there was some way to override PART_ListBox in a ControlTemplate override in MainWindow.XAML?
Then you will have to override/re-define the entire ControlTemplate of the AutoCompleteTextBox control which seems a bit unnecessary.
MVVM is not about eliminating code from the views - it's about separation of concerns and whether you hook up an event handler from the XAML markup of the view or the code-behind of the very same view makes no difference at all as far as the design pattern is concerned.
Edit: But if you want to keep the code-behind classes clean you could implement this using an attached behaviour:
public class AutoCompleteBoxBehavior
public static ICommand GetSelectionChangedCommand(AutoCompleteTextBox actb)
return (ICommand)actb.GetValue(SelectionChangedCommandProperty);
public static void SetSelectionChangedCommand(AutoCompleteTextBox actb, ICommand value)
actb.SetValue(SelectionChangedCommandProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectionChangedCommandProperty =
new UIPropertyMetadata(null, OnHandleSelectionChangedEvent));
private static void OnHandleSelectionChangedEvent(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
ICommand command = e.NewValue as ICommand;
if(command != null)
AutoCompleteTextBox actb = d as AutoCompleteTextBox;
actb.Loaded += (ss, ee) =>
ListBox lb = actb.Template.FindName("PART_ListBox", actb) as ListBox;
if (lb != null)
lb.SelectionChanged += (sss, eee) =>
AutoCompleteQueryResultProvider="{Binding AutoCompleteQueryResultProvider}"
Margin="10" FontSize="20" PopupHeight="300"
local:AutoCompleteBoxBehavior.SelectionChangedCommand="{Binding YourCommand}">
Introduction to Attached Behaviors in WPF: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/28959/Introduction-to-Attached-Behaviors-in-WPF