User "jtirado" is assigned role "HR-Assistant", can access route "mymvcapp/employeee/edit/1452" to edit employee (id:1452) data.
Being "HR-Assistant", this user can change employee telephone number and e-mail, can view employee salary but not edit the amount.
Telephone number, email, salary are dabatase fields and are represented/rendered by a "asp.net-mvc-control" or "HTML-control" on the View. So I want to restrict access to these controls based on user's role.
Previous experience
I've done this before for a classic 3-tier ASP.Net 3.5 web forms application, using a MasterPage, a BasePage class and a RoleBasedAccessControl database model.
MasterPage builds the options menu the user has access according to his assigned role.
BasePage class checks if the user has access to the required page, and if so, checks which controls (ex: DdlClientType, TxtLastName,ChkIsActive) the user can edit.
This way, I don't have to use if-then sentences to check permissions and, I can create as many roles as I want, giving them any permissions, without having to change any C# code.
I'm planning to use the same RoleBasedAccessControl database model for this new MVC app.
So my dubts are about how to implement the MasterPage and BasePage class using ASP.Net MVC 3 or if there's another way of achieving this, and if I should do it other way.
It seems to me that ViewMasterPage is the MVC-equivalent to Web-Forms-MasterPages. I've also heard about Razor layout pages.
Anyway, I suppose I should handle all of this in a Controller.
I will be using:
- Razor
I've checked these posts:
asp.net mvc user permissions and views
Best Practices for controlling access to form fields
Best practices for control permissions?
ASP.NET MVC Master Pages
Implement secure ASP.NET MVC applications
But they don't fully fit my case.