I'm documenting the code for my company's iOS application, and now I've moved on to methods that have a completion handler. Is there a specific method for documenting completion handlers, or should I just put it as part of the parameters?
for example:
- Parameters:
- parameter1: description
- parameter2: description
- completion: description
Is this the right way or is there another better way? Or maybe it should be in the "Returns" part of the documentation?
Sends an API request to 4sq for venues around a given location with an optional text search
:param: location A CLLocation for the user's current location
:param: query An optional search query
:param: completion A closure which is called with venues, an array of FoursquareVenue objects
:returns: No return value
func requestVenues(location: CLLocation, query: String?, completion: (venues: [FoursquareVenue]?) -> Void) { … }
taken from https://thatthinginswift.com/documentation-and-quick-help/
Since the previous accepted answer failed to compile under Swift 3 (Function types cannot have argument label.) I would like to add an updated answer:
Find User ID from Request
- Parameter from: The request containing relevant information.
- Parameter completionHandler: The callback called after retrieval.
- Parameter userId: The retrieved user id.
static func extractUserId(from: RouterRequest, completionHandler: (_ userId: String) -> Void)
Looks good enough for me!
It seems like it's currently (as of jan 2017) not directly supported in the Swift comment syntax. There is an issue open, and I encourage you to vote on it/fix it :) https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-874
However, the block type could be defined separately:
- parameters:
- error: See RequestError
- image: Available if error is nil
typealias RequestHandler = (_ error:RequestError?, _ image:UIImage?)->()
/** Requests a remote UIImage
- parameter url: where to look for the image
- parameter callback: invoked when request failed or completed
func requstFrom(url: URL, callback:RequestHandler) { /* ... */ }
...which would allow for a somewhat not-terrible looking documentation:
Try the VVDocumenter-Xcode tool, which will extract your parameters and return into documents automatically, like javadoc style.
The best way is to create a a typealias
for your completion handler. You can reuse it better and your code is clearer for the user.
On the other hand you can create a complete documentation about this like you used to.
typealias closureType = (parameterTypes) -> (returnType)