iOS sharing data between viewcontrollers

2019-07-07 19:42发布


I want to share some data (an array of custom objects) from different ViewController, when tab changed.

1 = TabController
2 = ViewController
3 = ViewController
4 = SplitViewController
5 = MapView
6 = ViewController
7 = TableViewController

I want to share data between: 7 to 3, 7 to 2

What is the best way to do this?


You could do something like this:

class DataSource {

    static let sharedInstance = DataSource()

    var data: [AnyObject] = []




Another simple solution is creating a view bag to hold data to be shared between VC:

import Foundation

class ViewBag
    internal static var internalDictionary = Dictionary<String, AnyObject>()

    class func get(key: String) -> AnyObject?
        return internalDictionary[key]

    class func add(key: String, data: AnyObject)
        internalDictionary[key] = data

class MyClass


// Example

let myClassArray = [MyClass(),MyClass(),MyClass(),MyClass()]

ViewBag.add("myKey", data: myClassArray)

ViewBag.get("myKey")?.count // You must do a proper casting here


What's the data?A string?NSNotification is best.A few data?Save to NSUserDefaults.A lot of data?Save to file and read it. Here is example code for find vc along view controller chain:

let vc7 = UIViewController()
let tabBarVC = vc7.splitViewController?.tabBarController
let vc2 = tabBarVC?.viewControllers?[1]
let vc3 = tabBarVC?.viewControllers?[2]