Consider the following list :
dalist = {{47.9913, 11.127, 208}, {47.5212, 10.3002, 208},
{49.7695, 9.96838, 160}, {48.625, 12.7042, 436}}
Those are coordinatees of Eye fixations on a screen where, within each sublist,
is the X coordinate,
the Y coordinate and
, the duration spent at that particular location
I then use the following :
Disk[{#[[1]], #[[2]]}, 3N[#[[3]]/Total[dalist[[All, 3]]]]] & /@ dalist
to draw disk with duration weighted diameter.
I would like to draw cross instead where the 2 segments intersect at their middle and the length of each is equivalent to the disk diameter as illustrated bellow.
This is what I have yet :
Line[{{#[[1]] - 3 N[#[[3]]/Total[dalist[[All, 3]]]], #[[2]]},
{#[[1]] + 3 N[#[[3]]/Total[dalist[[All, 3]]]], #[[2]]}}] & /@ dalist,
Line[{{#[[1]], #[[2]] - 3 N[#[[3]]/Total[dalist[[All, 3]]]]},
{#[[1]], #[[2]] + 3 N[#[[3]]/Total[dalist[[All, 3]]]]}}] & /@ dalist}]
I was wondering if there was a simpler way, using something similar to PlotMarkers that exist in ListPlot
Use two lines. Something like:
pointTrans =
Line[{{#[[1]] - l, #[[2]]}, {#[[1]] + l, #[[2]]}}],
Line[{{#[[1]], #[[2]] - l}, {#[[1]], #[[2]] + l}}]
} /. l -> #[[3]]/Mean[dalist[[All, 3]]] &;
pointTrans /@ dalist // Graphics // Show
As you can already draw the circles, why not just use that like so:
circles=Graphics[Disk[{#[[1]], #[[2]]}, 3 N[#[[3]]/Total[dalist[[All, 3]]]]] & /@ dalist]
and then
circles /. Disk[{x_, y_}, r_] :> Line[{{{x, y - r/2}, {x, y + r/2}}, {{x - r/2, y}, {x + r/2, y}}}]
I think a little helper function is convenient here:
makeCross[{x_, y_, r_}, total_] := With[{scale = 3*r/total},
Line[{{{x - scale, y}, {x + scale, y}}, {{x, y - scale}, {x, y + scale}}}]]
total = Total[dalist[[All, 3]]];
Graphics[makeCross[#, mean] & /@ dalist]
You could also use BubbleChart
plus[{x:{x0_, x1_}, y:{y0_, y1_}}, __] :=
Line[{{{x0, Mean[y]}, {x1, Mean[y]}}, {{Mean[x], y0}, {Mean[x], y1}}}]
BubbleChart[dalist, ChartElementFunction -> plus] (*or maybe "MarkerBubble" instead of plus*)
I would like to offer this modification of Artefacto's code.
pointTrans =
With[{l = #3/2/Mean@dalist[[All, 3]]},
Line@{{{# - l, #2}, {# + l, #2}}, {{#, #2 - l}, {#, #2 + l}}}
] &;
Graphics[{Thick, pointTrans @@@ dalist}]