I have a scenario where a class holds two instance variables that are mutually exclusive. That is only one can be instantiated at a time. To be precise, I have a Promise class (trying to add promises to Pharo) and it holds promiseError and promiseValue instance variables. I then want to implement the method "then: catch:". This method should work as follows:
promiseObject := [10/0] promiseValue.
promiseObject then : [ : result | Transcript crShow : result ]
catch : [ : failure | Transcript crShow : failure ] .
I got an idea on how to implement methods that take a block as an argument from method that accepts a block and the block accepts an argument. My attempt below will obviously not work but I have no idea on how to make it work.
then:aBlock catch: anotherBlock
promiseValue ifNil: [ segment := promiseError ] ifNotNil: [ segment := promiseValue ].
promiseValue ifNil: [ segment := promiseValue ] ifNotNil: [ segment := promiseError ].
aBlock value:segment.
anotherBlock value: segment
This should work analogously to a try-catch block.