I would like to extract speeches regarding a specific agenda item from the European Parliament, which are accessible through a SPARQL interface here: http://linkedpolitics.ops.few.vu.nl/user/query
The schema of the database is found here: http://linkedpolitics.ops.few.vu.nl/home
Through the following query
SELECT ?speaker ?given ?surname ?acronym ?text ?partyLabel ?type
<http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-12-16_AgendaItem_4> dcterms:hasPart ?speech.
?speech lpv:speaker ?speaker.
?speaker foaf:givenName ?given.
?speaker foaf:familyName ?surname.
?speaker lpv:countryOfRepresentation ?country.
?country lpv:acronym ?acronym.
?speech lpv:translatedText ?text.
?speaker lpv:politicalFunction ?func.
?func lpv:institution ?institution.
?institution rdfs:label ?partyLabel.
?institution rdf:type ?type.
FILTER(langMatches(lang(?text), "en"))
I get the information that I want, but all the rows are duplicated several times. This happens when I try to access the party label through the political function it seems. How do I get unique rows only and what is the reason for duplicates appearing in the first place?