I'm currently using MD5 hashes but I would like to find something that will create a shorter hash that uses just [a-z][A-Z][0-9]. It only needs to be around 5-10 characters long.
Is there something out there that already does this?
I like the CRC32 hash. Is there a clean way of calculating it in .NET?
I'm using the CRC32 function from the link Joe provided. How can I convert the uInt into the characters defined above?
.NET string object has a GetHashCode() function. It returns an integer.
Convert it into a hex and then to an 8 characters long string.
Like so:
string hashCode = String.Format("{0:X}", sourceString.GetHashCode());
More on that: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.string.gethashcode.aspx
UPDATE: Added the remarks from the link above to this answer:
The behavior of GetHashCode is dependent on its implementation, which
might change from one version of the common language runtime to
another. A reason why this might happen is to improve the performance
of GetHashCode.
If two string objects are equal, the GetHashCode method returns
identical values. However, there is not a unique hash code value for
each unique string value. Different strings can return the same hash
Notes to Callers
The value returned by GetHashCode is platform-dependent. It differs on
the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the .NET Framework.
Is your goal to create a URL shortener or to create a hash function?
If your goal is to create a URL shortener, then you don't need a hash function. In that case, you just want to pre generate a sequence of cryptographically secure random numbers, and then assign each url to be encoded a unique number from the sequence.
You can do this using code like:
using System.Security.Cryptography;
const int numberOfNumbersNeeded = 100;
const int numberOfBytesNeeded = 8;
var randomGen = RandomNumberGenerator.Create();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNumbersNeeded; ++i)
var bytes = new Byte[numberOfBytesNeeded];
Using the cryptographic number generator will make it very difficult for people to predict the strings you generate, which I assume is important to you.
You can then convert the 8 byte random number into a string using the chars in your alphabet. This is basically a change of base calculation (from base 256 to base 62).
I dont think URL shortening services use hashes, I think they just have a running alphanumerical string that is increased with every new URL and stored in a database.
If you really need to use a hash function have a look at this link: some hash functions
Also, a bit offtopic but depending on what you are working on this might be interesting: Coding Horror article
Just take a Base36 (case-insensitive) or Base64 of the ID of the entry.
So, lets say I wanted to use Base36:
(ID - Base36)
1 - 1
2 - 2
3 - 3
10 - A
11 - B
12 - C
10000 - 7PS
22000 - GZ4
34000 - Q8C
1000000 - LFLS
2345000 - 1E9EW
6000000 - 3KLMO
You could keep these even shorter if you went with base64 but then the URL's would be case-sensitive. You can see you still get your nice, neat alphanumeric key and with a guarantee that there will be no collisions!
You cannot use a short hash as you need a one-to-one mapping from the short version to the actual value. For a short hash the chance for a collision would be far too high. Normal, long hashes, would not be very user-friendly (and even though the chance for a collision would probably be small enough then, it still wouldn't feel "right" to me).
TinyURL.com seems to use an incremented number that is converted to Base 36 (0-9, A-Z).
You can decrease the number of characters from the MD5 hash by encoding them as alphanumerics. Each MD5 character is usually represented as hex, so that's 16 possible values. [a-zA-Z0-9] includes 62 possible values, so you could encode each value by taking 4 MD5 values.
here's a function that takes a number ( 4 hex digits long ) and returns [0-9a-zA-Z]. This should give you an idea of how to implement it. Note that there may be some issues with the types; I didn't test this code.
char num2char( unsigned int x ){
if( x < 26 ) return (char)('a' + (int)x);
if( x < 52 ) return (char)('A' + (int)x - 26);
if( x < 62 ) return (char)('0' + (int)x - 52);
if( x == 62 ) return '0';
if( x == 63 ) return '1';
First I get a list of random distinct numbers. Then I select each char
from base string, append and return result. I'm selecting 5 chars, that will amount to 6471002 permutations out of base 62. Second part is to check against db to see if any exists, if not save short url.
const string BaseUrlChars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
private static string ShortUrl
const int numberOfCharsToSelect = 5;
int maxNumber = BaseUrlChars.Length;
var rnd = new Random();
var numList = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCharsToSelect; i++)
return numList.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, num) => current + BaseUrlChars.Substring(num, 1));
You can use CRC32, it is 8 bytes long and similar to MD5. Unique values will be supported by adding timestamp to actual value.
So its will look like http://foo.bar/abcdefg12.
If you're looking for a library that generates tiny unique hashes from inters, I can highly recommend http://hashids.org/net/. I use it in many projects and it works fantastically. You can also specify your own character set for custom hashes.
If you don't care about cryptographic strength, any of the CRC functions will do.
Wikipedia lists a bunch of different hash functions, including length of output. Converting their output to [a-z][A-Z][0-9] is trivial.
You could encode your md5 hash code with base64 instead of hexadecimal, this way you get a shorter url using exactly the characters [a-z][A-Z][0-9].
There's a wonderful but ancient program called btoa
which converts binary to ASCII using upper- and lower-case letters, digits, and two additional characters. There's also the MIME base64 encoding; most Linux systems probably have a program called base64
or base64encode
. Either one would give you a short, readable string from a 32-bit CRC.
You could take the first alphanumeric 5-10 characters of the MD5 hash.