There seems to be a problem the way boost::program_options's options_description matching is done.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
boost::program_options::options_description desc("CmdLine utility");
("hel", "hel message")
("help", "produce help message")
("helps","helps message")
boost::program_options::variables_map vm;
boost::program_options::store(boost::program_options::parse_command_line(argc, argv,desc), vm);
if(vm.count("help")) {
std::cout << desc << std::endl;
if(vm.count("helps")) {
std::cout << "helps..." << std::endl;
if(vm.count("hel")) {
std::cout << "hel..." << std::endl;
return 0;
Output -
C:\code>cmd.exe --helps
C:\code>cmd.exe --help
C:\code>cmd.exe --hel
The output changes if I change the order in which options are added using add_options()
call. Also it looks like program_options does not do a complete command string matching, so even if you enter a substring of the option, it will consider it as a valid option without doing a complete string comparison. If this is a boost::program_options feature, is there any way to force it to do exact string matching rather than doing it with substring matching ? (I am using Boost version 1.42)