I'm quite new to R, so I apologize if the answer should be obvious, or if my data is organized poorly.
I am trying to graph the difference in sound characters (entropy) over time. I have used time signature information to break the recordings up into "bouts." I am able to create a scatterplot in which lines correspond to the bout number (0-9).
The code looks like so:
newbout <- a$start_on
signal <- diff(newbout)
Faulkner <- data.frame(Time=a$start_on[1:length(signal)],Entropy=a$min_ent[1:length(signal)])
Gatsby <- data.frame(x=Faulkner$Entropy[2:length(Faulkner$Entropy)],
Gatsby$grp <- cumsum(signal[1:length(signal)-1]<0)
b <- ggplot(Gatsby, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
geom_point(size = 2,aes(color=grp)) +
geom_path(aes(color=grp)) +
xlab("Min entropy") + ylab("Min entropy") + ggtitle("a408 d136") +
axis.title=element_text(size=10), plot.title=element_text(size=10))
The data frame itself looks like this:
x y z grp
1 -3.90 -2.06 111.74600 0
2 -3.67 -3.90 224.49000 0
3 -3.08 -3.67 454.96600 0
4 -4.14 -3.08 643.53700 0
5 -2.37 -4.14 735.32900 0
6 -2.79 -2.37 821.13400 0
7 -6.96 -2.79 883.99100 0
8 -6.05 -6.96 946.84800 0
9 -3.19 -6.05 1045.62000 0
10 -2.74 -3.19 1244.17000 0
11 -3.23 -2.74 1511.56000 0
12 -3.57 -3.23 1632.29000 0
13 -2.74 -3.57 1729.07000 0
14 -3.99 -2.74 1814.88000 0
15 -6.70 -3.99 1875.74000 0
16 -6.63 -6.70 1936.60000 0
17 -4.06 -6.63 2037.37000 0
18 -3.29 -4.06 2247.89000 1
19 -4.91 -3.29 1.99546 1
20 -4.19 -4.91 230.47600 1
21 -2.31 -4.19 458.95700 1
22 -2.03 -2.31 995.73700 1
23 -3.43 -2.03 1122.45000 1
24 -3.75 -3.43 1240.18000 1
25 -2.56 -3.75 1334.97000 1
26 -4.19 -2.56 1417.78000 1
It is currently really difficult to visualize the beginning and the end of individual bouts on the plot. Is it possible to assign a different gradient for each group, without having to create a separate dataframe for each bout and adding paths manually? Ideally, I'd like to have something like, bout 0 is blue (and goes from light to dark), bout 1 is green (and goes from light to dark), where the gradient scale is controlled by the time variable, z. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!