How to use hql update query using hibernate template
thi is the hql statement "update Login set empSmartId = 48750005" +" where empPassword = 6328ef1675ddb7106eba8dc2661961d7"
using getHibernatetemplate()
Current code:
public class LoginDaoImp extends HibernateDaoSupport implements LoginDao {
public boolean resetAttempt(Login login) {
try { login.setAttempt(0);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
return false; }
i can save whole pojo class above code work but i want to use where condition to update only hibernateTemplate to update the data
you would be looking something like this
public class LoginDaoImp extends HibernateDaoSupport implements LoginDao
public boolean resetAttempt(Login login)
// you should create method for login to retrived based on password
//Remember getting login by password is not correct way, Instead you you should use primary key
//Getting persisted object of Login
Login persisted_login = getLoginByPassword(6328ef1675ddb7106eba8dc2661961d7);
//Setting value in persisted object of Login
persisted_login.setEmpSmartId (48750005);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
I know this question is very old but, may this solution help someone else...
Here is a trick to update a record in DB.
The trick is first fetch the required record from the DB, update the required fields using setter methods of associated POJO class & then give a call to entity)
method, just like below:-
public void updateUser(User user, String password) {
List<User> results = (List<User>) hibernateTemplate
.find("FROM User where username = ?", new Object[] { new String(user.getUsername()) });
User userToBeUpdate = results.get(0);
This is working solution in my case.