I am working on translating a capture library from DirectShow to MediaFoundation. The capture library seemed to work quite well but I face a problem with an integrated webcam on a tablet running Windows 8 32 bit.
When enumerating the capture format (as explained in Media Foundation documentation), I got the following supported format for the camera:
- 0 : MFVideoFormat_NV12, resolution : 448x252, framerate : 30000x1001
- 1 : MFVideoFormat_YUY2, resolution : 448x252, framerate : 30000x1001
- 2 : MFVideoFormat_NV12, resolution : 640x360, framerate : 30000x1001
- 3 : MFVideoFormat_YUY2, resolution : 640x360, framerate : 30000x1001
- 4 : MFVideoFormat_NV12, resolution : 640x480, framerate : 30000x1001
- 5 : MFVideoFormat_YUY2, resolution : 640x480, framerate : 30000x1001
I then set the capture format, in this case the one at index 5, using the following function, as described in the example:
hr = pHandler->SetCurrentMediaType(pType);
This function executed without error. The camera should thus be configured to capture in YUY2 with a resolution of 640*480.
In the onReadSample callback, I should receive a sample with a buffer of size :
640 * 480 * sizeof(unsigned char) * 2 = 614400 //YUY2 is encoded on 2 bytes
However, I got a sample with a buffer of size 169344. Here below is a part of the callback function.
HRESULT SourceReader::OnReadSample(
HRESULT hrStatus,
DWORD dwStreamIndex,
DWORD dwStreamFlags,
LONGLONG llTimeStamp,
IMFSample *pSample // Can be NULL
if (pSample)
DWORD expectedBufferSize = 640*480*1*2; // = 614400 (hard code for the example)
IMFMediaBuffer* buffer = NULL;
hr = pSample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(&buffer);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto done;
DWORD byteLength = 0;
BYTE* pixels = NULL;
hr = buffer->Lock(&pixels, NULL, &byteLength);
//byteLength is 169344 instead of 614400
if (byteLength > 0 && byteLength == expectedBufferSize)
//do someting with the image, but never comes here because byteLength is wrong
Any advice why I get a sample of size 169344 ?
Thanks in advance
Thanks Mgetz for your answer.
I checked the value of MF_MT_INTERLACE_MODE of the media type and it appears that the video stream contains progressive frames. The value of MF_MT_INTERLACE_MODE returns MFVideoInterlace_Progressive.
hr = pHandler->SetCurrentMediaType(m_pType);
//get info about interlacing
UINT32 interlaceFormat = MFVideoInterlace_Unknown;
m_pType->GetUINT32(MF_MT_INTERLACE_MODE, &interlaceFormat);
So the video stream is not interlaced. I checked again in the onReadSample the value of MFSampleExtension_Interlaced to see if the sample is interlaced or not and it appears that the sample is interlaced.
if (pSample && m_bCapture)
//check if interlaced
UINT32 isSampleInterlaced = 0;
pSample->GetUINT32(MFSampleExtension_Interlaced, &isSampleInterlaced);
//enters here
How it is possible that the stream is progressive and that the sample is interlaced? I double checked the value of MF_MT_INTERLACE_MODE in the onReadSample callback as well and it still gives me the value MFT_INPUT_STREAM_WHOLE_SAMPLES.
Concerning your first suggestion, I didn't way to force the flag MFT_INPUT_STREAM_WHOLE_SAMPLES on the input stream.
Thanks in advance
I still face the issue and I am now investigating on the different streams available.
According to the documentation, each media source provides a presentation descriptor from which we can get the streams available. To get the presentation descriptor, we have to call:
HRESULT hr = pSource->CreatePresentationDescriptor(&pPD);
I then request the streams available using the IMFPresentationDescriptor::GetStreamDescriptorCount function:
DWORD nbrStream;
When requesting this information on the frontal webcam on an ACER tablet running windows 8, I got that three streams are available. I looped over these streams, requested their MediaTypeHandler and checked the MajorType. The three streams have for major type : MFMediaType_Video, so all the streams are video streams. When listing the media type available on the different streams, I got that all the streams support capture at 640x480. (some of the streams have more available media types).
I tested to select each of the different streams and the appropriate format type (the framework did not return any error), but I still do not receive the correct sample in the callback function...
Any advice to progress on the issue?
Finally found the issue: I had to set the media type on the source reader directly, using SourceReader->SetCurrentMediaType(..). That did the trick!
Thanks for your help!