I need to reorder a data frame similar to the one below. I need London to appear first in any different Var, but it is quite critical to keep the var order as it is ("pop, gdp,lifespec...) as I am doing matrix algebra afterwards.
City Var value
Chicago pop 0.08
London pop 0.24
Paris pop 0.75
Chicago gdp 0.55
London gdp 0.49
Paris gdp 0.23
Chicago lifespec 0.45
London lifespec 0.39
Paris lifespec 0.28
Chicago percjobs 0.12
London percjobs 0.13
Paris percjobs 0.01
So my desired output would be like the following:
City Var value
London pop 0.24
Chicago pop 0.08
Paris pop 0.75
London gdp 0.49
Chicago gdp 0.55
Paris gdp 0.23
London lifespec 0.39
Chicago lifespec 0.45
Paris lifespec 0.28
London percjobs 0.13
Chicago percjobs 0.12
Paris percjobs 0.01
I tried to create a df$rank
with values of 1 to London and 9 else. Then I tried to use sort()
, but all London values collapse on the top. Do you have any idea?
Harvesting the comments on the question here to provide a simple two-liner.
d <- read.table(text='City Var value
Chicago pop 0.08
London pop 0.24
Paris pop 0.75
Chicago gdp 0.55
London gdp 0.49
Paris gdp 0.23
Chicago lifespec 0.45
London lifespec 0.39
Paris lifespec 0.28
Chicago percjobs 0.12
London percjobs 0.13
Paris percjobs 0.01', header=T)
d$Var <- factor(d$Var, unique(d$Var))
d[order(d$Var, d$City != "London"), ]
# City Var value
# 2 London pop 0.24
# 1 Chicago pop 0.08
# 3 Paris pop 0.75
# 5 London gdp 0.49
# 4 Chicago gdp 0.55
# 6 Paris gdp 0.23
# 8 London lifespec 0.39
# 7 Chicago lifespec 0.45
# 9 Paris lifespec 0.28
# 11 London percjobs 0.13
# 10 Chicago percjobs 0.12
# 12 Paris percjobs 0.01
df$City <- factor(df$City, levels = c('London', 'Chicago', 'Paris'))
df$Cityf <- as.numeric(df$City)
df$Var <- factor(df$Var, levels = c('pop', 'gdp', 'lifespec', 'percjobs'))
df$Varv <- as.numeric(df$Var)
df[order(df$Varv, df$Cityf), ]
df1 <- df[order(df$Varv, df$Cityf), ]
City Var value
2 London pop 0.24
1 Chicago pop 0.08
3 Paris pop 0.75
5 London gdp 0.49
4 Chicago gdp 0.55
6 Paris gdp 0.23
8 London lifespec 0.39
7 Chicago lifespec 0.45
9 Paris lifespec 0.28
11 London percjobs 0.13
10 Chicago percjobs 0.12
12 Paris percjobs 0.01
I'm using dplyr_0.2 notation