I have a program that asks input from user on their username and password then stores it in a text file column one is usernames and column 2 is passwords, i need a command that replaces the password when the user inputs their username and new password, heres what i have
#admin menu
#Register User
echo enter the username of the user you want to register.
read reguser
echo enter the password of the user you want to register.
read regpass
if [ ! -e "$User_Pass" ];
echo "Creating Username and Passwords file"
touch $User_Pass
echo "$reguser $regpass" | cat >> $User_Pass
echo user succesfully registered.
#Change Password
echo "Enter the username you want to change the password for"
read change1
change2=$(grep -q $change1 username_pass.txt)
if [ $change2=0 ];
echo enter your new password
read newpass
awk -v newpass="$newpass" -v change1="$change1" '$1 ~ change1 {$2 = newpass}' username_pass.txt
#i tried this but it didnt work
echo "password changed!"
echo "no such username."