I'm trying to start thin for my app but then the pid
cannot be generated:
$ thin -C /var/www/project_path/current/config/myproject.testing.yml start
Now I can't stop it because there is no pid:
$ thin -C /var/www/project_path/current/config/myproject.testing.yml stop
/home/usr/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180@api/gems/thin-1.5.1/lib/thin/daemonizing.rb:131:in `send_signal': Can't stop process, no PID found in tmp/pids/thin.pid (Thin::PidFileNotFound)
This is the yml
pid: /home/usr/htdocs/testing/myproject/shared/pids/thin.pid
rackup: config.ru
log: /home/usr/htdocs/testing/myproject/shared/log/thin.log
timeout: 30
port: 1234
max_conns: 1024
chdir: /home/usr/htdocs/testing/myproject/current
max_persistent_conns: 128
environment: testing
require: []
daemonize: true
Now I can start the server but after some seconds
process vanish automatically; means I can't see the pid
which was generated by starting the server after some seconds.