im trying to understand the framework structure in CodeIgniter and i have just started and came up with this little misunderstanding .
so can somebody please help me under stand the following :-
1- why do they use a reference to pass an instance of the class ... i mean why not just a simple variable ?
2- and why does the function store the name of the class in an array instead of a "string variable" (please dont judge my php terms as im the worst at it ).. ?!
static $_classes = array();
^^^^^^^ this cloud be just ("") or am i missing something
here is the function so you wont go looking for it .
function &load_class($class, $directory = 'libraries', $prefix = 'CI_')
static $_classes = array();
// Does the class exist? If so, we're done...
if (isset($_classes[$class]))
return $_classes[$class];
$name = FALSE;
// Look for the class first in the local application/libraries folder
// then in the native system/libraries folder
foreach (array(APPPATH, BASEPATH) as $path)
if (file_exists($path.$directory.'/'.$class.'.php'))
$name = $prefix.$class;
if (class_exists($name) === FALSE)
// Is the request a class extension? If so we load it too
if (file_exists(APPPATH.$directory.'/'.config_item('subclass_prefix').$class.'.php'))
$name = config_item('subclass_prefix').$class;
if (class_exists($name) === FALSE)
// Did we find the class?
if ($name === FALSE)
// Note: We use exit() rather then show_error() in order to avoid a
// self-referencing loop with the Excptions class
exit('Unable to locate the specified class: '.$class.'.php');
// Keep track of what we just loaded
$_classes[$class] = new $name();
return $_classes[$class];