Load resource (layout) from another apk

2019-07-07 07:55发布


I am wondering if it is possible to load a layout xml file from another apk. I know how to get access to another applications resources, but i am unsure how to load an xml if its even possible.

Would I have to parse the xml if I wanted to set that layout as a view using layout inflater?

Sort of like these steps...

  1. Use XmlPullParser.setInput to "load" the XML file
  2. Convert it to an AttributeSet
  3. Create a View from this AttributeSet
  4. use setContentView(View) in your Activity

I guess what i am asking, is this even possible? Like I said, i know how to access resources. But how would i access the layout xml?



I managed to pull the layouts, and i add it to my viewflipper, however, there it is loaded as blank.

Resources packageResources;
Context packageContext;
    packageResources = pm.getResourcesForApplication(packageName);
    packageContext = this.createPackageContext(packageName,  Context.CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE + Context.CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY);                
catch(NameNotFoundException excep)
    // the package does not exist. move on to see if another exists.

Class layoutClass;
   // using reflection to get the layout class inside the R class of the package
   layoutClass = packageContext.getClassLoader().loadClass(packageName + ".R$layout");
catch (ClassNotFoundException excep1)
   // Less chances that class won't be there.

for( Field layoutID : layoutClass.getFields() )
       int id = layoutID.getInt(layoutClass);
       XmlResourceParser xmlResourceLayout = packageResources.getLayout(id);

       View v = new View(this, Xml.asAttributeSet(xmlResourceLayout));

    catch (Exception excep)

I get no errors, and i debugged and checked. The layout IDs are correct. However, in my viewFlipper its just blank. No warnings or errors i can find.

Finally got the solution... Have posted it below,

Load resource (layout) from another apk dynamically