I was having fun testing out the columnstore index feature of sql server 2012. Because you can't update/insert tables with such indices I read on some options: keep a separate table and use a new partition for every bulk insert or disable the index, perform updates/inserts and then rebuild the index.
For my test I chose the latter option and ended up with this stored procedure:
-- Disable the columnstore index.
ALTER INDEX [All_Columns_Columnstore_Index] ON [dbo].[Tick] DISABLE
-- Insert data into tick table from staging table.
insert into Tick
select [Date],
from TickTemporary
-- Delete data from staging table.
delete from TickTemporary
-- Enable (rebuild) the columnstore index.
ALTER INDEX [All_Columns_Columnstore_Index] ON [dbo].[Tick] REBUILD
If I execute these lines manually everything works fine. But if I run the procedure, I get the error that updates/inserts can't be performed on a table that has a columnstore index.
Why is this?
I followed the advice in the answer I previously accepted but I still get the same thing.
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Disable the columnstore index.
EXEC DisableColumnStoreIndex
-- Insert data into tick table from staging table.
insert into Tick
select [Date],
from TickTemporary
-- Delete data from staging table.
delete from TickTemporary
-- Enable (rebuild) the columnstore index.
EXEC RebuildColumnStoreIndex
Even tried placing "begin tran" and "commit tran" around the sproc calls.
Using dynamic sql like:
declare @sql nvarchar(max)
set @sql =
'insert into Tick
select [Date],
from TickTemporary'
works, but really, I want to get by without dynamic sql. Isn't it possible in this case?