Test this simple line in any HTML:
<a href="anything"><span style="visibility:hidden;">insible text here</span></a>
(you can test it directly from here: http://jsfiddle.net/wqS3E/ )
In Firefox and IE you can click the link (even more, you can see the default underline decoration).
But in Chrome (v 13.0.782.220 ) is not possible to click/see the link.
Is this a bug in Chrome or my CSS is not correct?
I have a <li>
element with a background image, and some <li>
are links, and I want to be able to click those links, but I don't want they visibile because I want to show the background image in <li>
(and I don't want to brake the HTML markup), so this is what I have:
<a href="link"><span class="invisible">some text</span></a>
.invisible {