I have read around stackoverflow and the gradle forms, but I am still stumped. The ultimate goal here is that after I copy some files, I want to set the writable flag -- because 'copy' doesn't like overwriting read-only files on 'nix (huh...), nor can it be forced to do so (harumph!).
Here is the outline of what I have:
task setPermissions (type : Exec) {
executable = 'chmod -R +w'
// ... a little while later ...
task('somethingElse') << {
// ... unrelated stuff ...
def String targetDir = "$aVar/theTarget"
// >> TASK CALL <<
setPermissions {
commandLine = [executable + " $targetDir"]
// but that doesn't work... this does...
proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod -R +w $deployDir")
I have tried variations in "setPermissions".
Trial 1:
commandLine = 'chmod'
args = '-R', '+w'
In which case I appended the target directory to "args" when I called setPermissions.
Trial 2:
commandLine = 'chmod -R +w'
In which case I appended the target directory to "commandLine" when I called setPermissions. I also tried making it the only "args" value.
Trial 3:
commandLine = 'chmod', '-R', '+w'
In which case I appended the target directory to "commandLine" when I called setPermissions. I also tried making it the only "args" value.
So what am I doing wrong here that an Exec task won't run this properly, but the Rt.gR.exec() will?