Why does haskell mode step on s-lower-camel-case a

2019-07-06 12:15发布


I have prepared a minimal working example to check that other dependancies have not interfered with this. The test function is:

(defun test-haskell-problems ()
      (insert (s-lower-camel-case "other_string")))

And a full reproduction of the problem (with package installation) occurs with this:

(setq package-list '(

(when (>= emacs-major-version 24)
    (require 'package)
        (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/") t)

; activate all the packages (in particular autoloads)

; fetch the list of packages available 
(when (not package-archive-contents)

; install the missing packages
 (dolist (package package-list)
   (when (not (package-installed-p package))
     (package-install package)))

(require 's)
(defun test-haskell-problems ()
      (insert (s-lower-camel-case "other_string")))

By activating this function test-haskell-problems in a haskell buffer we get the string result other_string expected result and result in *scratch* buffer is otherString I don't understand what's happening here?

Does anyone have any ideas?


This is due to the syntax entry that defines what a "word" is. In Haskell, asdf_asdf is one word and s.el does camelcasing by splitting a string by words.

An easy solution would be to perform your camel casing in a temporary buffer.

(insert (with-temp-buffer (s-lower-camel-case "asdf_asdf")))

A more correct solution would be to temporarily redefine the word boundaries.

EDIT: here it is

(insert (with-syntax-table (make-syntax-table) (s-lower-camel-case "asdf_asdf")))

This is also much faster:

(benchmark 10000 '(with-temp-buffer (s-lower-camel-case "asdf_asdf")))
"Elapsed time: 1.188508s (0.204679s in 2 GCs)"

(benchmark 10000 '(with-syntax-table (make-syntax-table) (s-lower-camel-case "asdf_asdf")))
"Elapsed time: 0.368366s (0.191607s in 2 GCs)"    

标签: emacs elisp