I'm writing code to generate and download a private key for a Google Cloud service account.
Using the IAM API, I was able to create a service account, and my call to generate a key seems to be working. I get back a Service Account Key as described on the IAM API create key page, like
"privateKeyData": "random-key-stringkajdkjakjfke", ...
I downloaded this file as a JSON response and am trying to authenticate with it:
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=service-account-key-file.json
Unfortunately, I get an error stating
The .json key file is not in a valid format.
When I go though the Google Cloud Console flow (IAM & Admin -> Service accounts -> ... -> Create Key -> Create) I get a downloaded JSON file that looks like
"type": "service_account",
"private_key": "----BEGIN-PRIVATE-KEY-----",
"auth_uri": "https://gaiastaging.corp.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
This file looks completely different than the response from the IAM API. Explains my error! Unfortunately, this format doesn't seem to be described anywhere. It's mentioned briefly in some docs. Is it a Google Credentials File?
I'd like to take the IAM response file/JSON and convert it to the second credentials file. I've tried writing some code to convert it, but there are some fields like "auth_provider_x509_cert_url"
that I don't understand.
Perhaps converting the file is the wrong approach as well? More generally:
How can I generate a file and then use it to authenticate with gcloud?
How should I describe/distinguish between both of the above files? Why is each type of file useful?