How do I select all the checkboxes in google sprea

2019-07-06 11:07发布


The description is simple: I have three checkboxes and the third one must select all the others when selected (and deselect them as well, once it's unchecked). All this must be in a grid, I can't use html or any other language but Google Apps Script.

This is probably a simple task for you, but I'm struggling a lot, both with javascript and english. Anyway here's the code:

function checkboxes() {
  var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = range.getSheetId();
  var myapp = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('Title').setWidth(1000).setHeight(100);
  var mygrid = myapp.createGrid(3, 3).setCellPadding(5).setCellSpacing(5);

  mygrid.setWidget(0, 0, myapp.createLabel('One').setId('One'));
  mygrid.setWidget(0, 1, myapp.createCheckBox().setName('One'));

  mygrid.setWidget(1, 0, myapp.createLabel('Two').setId('Two'));
  mygrid.setWidget(1, 1, myapp.createCheckBox().setName('Two'));

  var handler1 = myapp.createClientHandler().forTargets(myapp.getElementById('One')).setValue(true).forTargets(myapp.getElementById('Two')).setValue(true);

  mygrid.setWidget(2, 0, myapp.createLabel('Last').setId('Last'));
  mygrid.setWidget(2, 1, myapp.createCheckBox().setName('Last').OnClickHandler(handler1));


Last time I tried it was not possible to use ClientHandlers validations with with checkboxes. So you have to stick with serverhandlers, which are slower, so you might need to add a little infinity progress gif so the user knows something is being done.

Here's an example of the solution I use:

function mygui() {
  var imgUrl = '';
  //I may remove this image from this url at any time. Host yours in a place you control

  var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('CheckAll example');
  var panel = app.createVerticalPanel();

  var boxes = ['Example 1', 'Test', 'Last check'];
  var groupName = 'myCheckBoxes';

  var groupAll = groupName+','+boxes.length;
  var image = app.createImage(imgUrl).setId(groupName+',img').setVisible(false);
  var checkAll = app.createCheckBox("Check All").setId(groupAll).setName(groupAll).addValueChangeHandler(

  for( var i in boxes )


function checkAll_(e) {
  var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
  var p = e.parameter; //just shortening
  var checkState = p[p.source] == 'true';
  var parts = p.source.split(',');
  var groupName = parts[0];
  var size = +parts[1];
  for( var i = 0; i < size; ++i )
  return app;


Here is a possible workaround with client handler :(tested)

I personally find it easier and more clear to use variables for widget creation instead of having to get them by id... a few lines of code to write but easier to read ;-)

function checkboxes() {
  var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = range.getSheetId();
  var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('Title').setWidth(200).setHeight(150);
  var grid = app.createGrid(4, 3).setCellPadding(5).setCellSpacing(5);

  var one = app.createCheckBox().setName('One');
  grid.setWidget(0, 0, app.createLabel('One').setId('One'));
  grid.setWidget(0, 1, one);

  var two = app.createCheckBox().setName('Two')
  grid.setWidget(1, 0, app.createLabel('Two').setId('Two'));
  grid.setWidget(1, 1, two);

  var three = app.createCheckBox().setName('Three')
  grid.setWidget(2, 0, app.createLabel('Three').setId('Three'));
  grid.setWidget(2, 1, three);
  var r1 = app.createRadioButton('radio').setHTML('All');
  var r2 = app.createRadioButton('radio').setHTML('None');
  grid.setWidget(3, 0, r1)
  grid.setWidget(3, 1, r2)

  var Chandler1 = app.createClientHandler().forTargets(one,two,three).setValue(true)
  var Chandler2 = app.createClientHandler().forTargets(one,two,three).setValue(false)
  var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActive()

EDIT : following Henrique's comment (very clever !! thanks) here is a 'full checkBoxes' version that works just fine ;-)

function checkboxes2() {
  var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = range.getSheetId();
  var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('checkBoxes test').setWidth(200).setHeight(150);
  var grid = app.createGrid(4, 3).setCellPadding(5).setCellSpacing(5);

  var one = app.createCheckBox().setName('One');
  grid.setWidget(0, 0, app.createLabel('One').setId('One'));
  grid.setWidget(0, 1, one);

  var two = app.createCheckBox().setName('Two')
  grid.setWidget(1, 0, app.createLabel('Two').setId('Two'));
  grid.setWidget(1, 1, two);

  var allP = app.createVerticalPanel()
  var allA = app.createCheckBox().setName('allA');
  var allB = app.createCheckBox().setName('allB').setVisible(false);
  var allP = app.createVerticalPanel().add(allA).add(allB);
  grid.setWidget(2, 0, app.createLabel('All').setId('all'));
  grid.setWidget(2, 1, allP);

  var ChandlerA = app.createClientHandler().forTargets(one,two,allB).setValue(true).forTargets(allB).setVisible(true).forEventSource().setVisible(false);
  var ChandlerB = app.createClientHandler().forTargets(one,two,allA).setValue(false).forTargets(allA).setVisible(true).forEventSource().setVisible(false);
  var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActive()


Today I finally had the time to see your code, thanks for your support.

Like you said in your comment, I don't need the image at all, so I'm trying to take it out from the function mygui, let's see if I can do it:

function mygui() {
  var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('CheckAll example');
  var panel = app.createVerticalPanel();

  var boxes = ['Example 1', 'Test', 'Last check'];
  var groupName = 'myCheckBoxes';

  var groupAll = groupName+','+boxes.length;
  var checkAll = app.createCheckBox("Check All").setId(groupAll).setName(groupAll).addValueChangeHandler(

  for( var i in boxes )


I have just cancelled line nr 2, 3 and 8 then I truncked line nr 9 and 10. That's enough for un unexpected mistake, standing to the error message.