After crashing my head against the monitor for 2 hours I realised that:
display.blit(mypic, posx, posy)
would just not work (i.e. wouldn't blit anything on the screen) unless I call:
Is this the weirdest bug on earth, or am I missing something?
I'm running pygame on python 2.7, mac os high sierra, and yes I would be the least surprised if this was due to the goddam incompatibility between pygame and mac os.
Any hint about what is going wrong here?
Example code:
import pygame
winWidth = 800
winHeight = 600
posx = 200; posy = 200
mypic = pygame.image.load("path_to_my_picture.jpg")
COL_BACKGROUND = (255,255,255)
DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((winWidth, winHeight))
display.blit(mypic, posx, posy)
# only including the following line it will blit the picture:
# pygame.event.get()