I am using this code to generate the control flow graph of a C program. It is working fine for all the function except built-in function like printf
and scanf
. What can I change in this code to output the built in function as it is?
open Cil
open Cil_types
let print_stmt out =
| Instr i -> !Ast_printer.d_instr out i
| Return _ -> Format.pp_print_string out "<return>"
| Goto _ -> Format.pp_print_string out "<goto>"
| Break _ -> Format.pp_print_string out "<break>"
| Continue _ -> Format.pp_print_string out "<continue>"
| If (e,_,_,_) -> Format.fprintf out "if %a" !Ast_printer.d_exp e
| Switch(e,_,_,_) -> Format.fprintf out "switch %a" !Ast_printer.d_exp e
| Loop _ -> Format.fprintf out "<loop>"
| Block _ -> Format.fprintf out "<enter block>"
| UnspecifiedSequence _ -> Format.fprintf out "<enter unspecified sequence>"
| TryFinally _ | TryExcept _ -> Format.fprintf out "<try>"
class print_cfg out =
inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
method vstmt_aux s =
Format.fprintf out "s%d@[[label=\"%a\"]@];@\n" s.sid print_stmt s.skind;
(fun succ -> Format.fprintf out "s%d -> s%d;@\n" s.sid succ.sid)
method vglob_aux g =
match g with
| GFun(f,loc) ->
Format.fprintf out "@[<hov 2>subgraph cluster_%a {@\n\
graph [label=\"%a\"];@\n"
Cil_datatype.Varinfo.pretty f.svar
Cil_datatype.Varinfo.pretty f.svar;
ChangeDoChildrenPost([g], fun g -> Format.fprintf out "}@\n@]"; g)
| _ -> SkipChildren
method vfile f =
Format.fprintf out "@[<hov 2>digraph cfg {@\n";
ChangeDoChildrenPost (f,fun f -> Format.fprintf out "}@."; f)
let run () =
let chan = open_out "cfg.out" in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel chan in
Visitor.visitFramacFileSameGlobals (new print_cfg fmt) (Ast.get())
let () = Db.Main.extend run