How do I convert epoch time to date & time based on time zone in xslt 2.0 ?
For example, epoch time 1212497304 converts to
GMT: Tue, 03 Jun 2008 12:48:24 GMT time zone: martes, 03 de junio de 2008 14:48:24 GMT+2
This is because of the Daylight Saving Time (DST): in many countries there is one hour more in summer, during some dates that varies each year.
For example, it is supposed that this instruction:
<xsl:value-of select=" format-dateTime(xs:dateTime('2013-07-07T23:08:00+00:00'), '[D] [MNn] [Y] [h]:[m01][PN,*-2] [Z] ([C])', 'en', 'AD', 'IST') "/>
would calculate the given GMT date event into Indian Standard Time (IST) with Gregorian Calendar (AD) but it just prints:
7 July 2013 11:08PM +00:00 (Gregorian)
So it does not shift the time zone. To shift the time zone we must use:
But this function accepts only a duration in number of hours/minutes, not a TimeZone so that the processor determines if there is DST or not.
Any advise, please