I am trying to fill in both textboxes that are labeled id="admin_passsword". I can access the first on easy but since there are NO differences other than the placeholder and the label above it I do not know how to access the second textbox to fill in that field.
<div class="fields">
<div class="field-row">
<label for="admin_email">Email</label>
<input autocapitalize="off" id="admin_email" name="admin[email]" placeholder="Email" size="30" type="text" value="">
<div class="field-row">
<label for="admin_serial_number">Serial number</label>
<input id="admin_serial_number" name="admin[serial_number]" placeholder="Serial Number" size="30" type="text">
<div class="field-row">
<label for="admin_password">Password</label>
<input id="admin_password" name="admin[password]" placeholder="Password" size="30" type="password">
<div class="field-row">
<label for="admin_password_confirmation">Password confirmation</label>
<input id="admin_password" name="admin[password]" placeholder="Confirm Password" size="30" type="password">