I have the following format in URL.
Here password is something like qDTA*$X)ME/74. When I directly use this password in URL, then the postman does not respond. How should I proceed testing this url?
(In the image the response container is plain white without any error. This indicates, the API was never hit)
You can manually encode parts of the URL within the application. These are the docs from version 6.
Under the URL section:
“Note: Parameters you enter in the URL bar or in the data editor will not automatically be URL-encoded. Right click a piece of selected text, and select “EncodeURIComponent” to manually encode the parameter value.”
For the time being, I will share how I handled this. I used two lines of python script for quoting the password and using the output in the postman.
>>> from urllib.parse import quote_plus
>>> quote_plus('qDTA*$X)ME/74')
Then I simply used this quoted password to construct the following new URL:
Hopefully someone comes here and answers how we should do it properly.