I had help making this script before that would pull the playercount off a website and log it into spreadsheets with a date and timestamp, this was:
function pullRuneScape() {
var page = UrlFetchApp.fetch('http://runescape.com/title.ws').getContentText();
var number = page.match(/PlayerCount.*>([0-9,]+)</)[1];
SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('RuneScape').appendRow([new Date(), number]);
Basically in the webpage they list the amount of players and I wanted to log it every 5minutes or so, but they have another site I wanted to grab the number from too and I need some help.
It's at http://oldschool.runescape.com/slu
I wanted to grab the player count on that site, at the top, and log it just like I have here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjrAPynUEUl9dGtIZFY0TlRFUllVcWFyZDZ2c2o5Tnc#gid=0
Where column A is the date and time, and B is just the number of people, so the output would be like 1/1/2013 0:00:48 77,439
Thank you if you can help.