I have a function to return the auc value for a cv.glmnet model and it often, although not the majority of the time, returns the following error when executing the cv.glmnet function:
Error in drop(y %% rep(1, nc)) : error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'drop': Error in y %% rep(1, nc) : non-conformable arguments
I've read a little bit about the error and the only suggestion I could find was to use data.matrix() instead of as.matrix(). My function is as follows (where "form" is a formula with my desired variables and "dt" is the data frame):
auc_cvnet <- function(form, dt, standard = F){
vars = all.vars(form)
depM = dt[[vars[1]]]
indM = data.matrix(dt[vars[-1]])
model = cv.glmnet(indM, depM, family = "binomial", nfolds=3, type.measure="auc", standardize = standard)
pred = predict(model, indM, type = "response")
tmp = prediction(pred, depM)
auc.tmp = performance(tmp, "auc")
I'm implementing this function in another function that iterates through combinations of a few variables to see what combinations of variables work well (it's a pretty brute-force method). Anyway, I printed out the formula for the iteration when the error was thrown and called the function with just that formula and it worked fine. So unfortunately I can't pinpoint what calls throw an error, otherwise I'd try to give more information. The data frame has about 30 rows and there are no errors when I run my code on a larger data set with 110 rows. There also are no NAs in either data set.
Has anyone seen this before or have any thoughts? Thanks!