I'm having trouble parsing dates for my website. It used to work fine on both IE and Chrome (I haven't tried Firefox yet). But recently I have been unable to parse dates on chrome.
The date string which I obtain from the database looks like this "Oct 17 2016 12:00AM"
Here is the code I'm using to debug my problem
console.log("String = "+item.DueDate);
console.log("new Date = " + new Date(item.DueDate));
console.log("Date Parse = " + Date.parse(item.DueDate));
console.log("Moment Parse = " + moment(item.DueDate));
Here is what is returned by IE:
String = Oct 17 2016 12:00AM
new Date = Mon Oct 17 2016 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Date Parse = 1476676800000
Moment Parse = 1476676800000
And here is what is returned by Chrome:
String = Oct 17 2016 12:00AM
new Date = Invalid Date
Date Parse = NaN
Moment Parse = NaN
I use Date.parse() in one of my function that finds the difference between to dates:
function daydiff(first, second) {
return Math.round((second - first) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
var dif = daydiff(Date.parse(item.DueDate), Date.parse(item.DateShipped));
What should I do to my date string in order for it to work with both chrome and internet explorer?
So I fixed it by changing my web api call to return a DateTime rather than string.