Boost Python wrapper and OpenCv argument error wit

2019-07-05 07:57发布


I have a C++ class that I've wrapped with Boost Python.

One of the class methods takes in two cv::Mats like so:

MyClass::do_something(cv::Mat input, cv::Mat output)

The functionality I've provided with python includes the above method, a constructor, and a few print methods.

The initialization and print methods (for debugging) work well in both C++ and the Python wrapper:

obj = MyClass(arg1, arg2, arg3)

These calls complete successfully.

I am running into trouble with the do_something() call (in the Python bindings, it completes successfully in C++):

from libmyclass import *
import cv
rgb = cv.CreateMat(256,256,cv.CV_8UC3)
result = cv.CreateMat(256,256,cv.CV_8UC3)
#...fill "rgb"


The error I get when executing the python code above is:

Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
did not match C++ signature:
do_something(MyClass {lvalue}, cv::Mat, cv::Mat)

Is this a discrepancy between and cv::Mat ? I have OpenCV 2.3.1 and 2.4, both with the Boost Python bindings.

In case it's relevant, here is what my Boost wrapper looks like:

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include "MyClass.h"
#include <cv.h>
using namespace boost::python;

BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(libmyclass) { 
  class_<MyClass>("MyClass", init<std::string, std::string, std::string>())
    .def("print_things", &MyClass::print_things)
    .def("do_something", &MyClass::do_something)


Boost python does not convert your (in python) to cv::Mat (C++) automatically.

You will need to declare your C++ method to take a boost::object * and have extra code in C++ to convert the object to cv::Mat.

Here is a sample I did to wrap the STASM Active Shape Model library

#ifndef ASMSearcher_HPP
#define ASMSearcher_HPP

#include <string>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>

class ASMSearcher;

 * Wrapper around STASM ASMSearcher class so that we don't mix boost python code into the STASM library.

struct memtrack_t {
  void *ptr;
  Py_ssize_t size;

struct cvmat_t
  CvMat *a;
  PyObject *data;
  size_t offset;

struct iplimage_t {
  IplImage *a;
  PyObject *data;
  size_t offset;

namespace bp = boost::python;
class Stasm
    Stasm(const std::string &conf_file0, const std::string &conf_file1);

    bp::list detect(bp::object image, const std::string &conf_file0="",
        const std::string &conf_file1="");

    ASMSearcher *asmLandmarksSearcher;
    cv::Mat convertObj2Mat(bp::object image);
    cv::Mat convert_from_cviplimage(PyObject *o,const char *name);
    cv::Mat convert_from_cvmat(PyObject *o, const char* name);



#include "stasm.hpp"
#include "stasm_ocv.hpp"

#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

  asmLandmarksSearcher = NULL;

  if (asmLandmarksSearcher != NULL)
    delete asmLandmarksSearcher;

Stasm::Stasm(const std::string &conf_file0, const std::string &conf_file1)
  asmLandmarksSearcher = new ASMSearcher(conf_file0, conf_file1); 

/*Detect asm facial landmarks in image*/
bp::list Stasm::detect(bp::object image, 
    const std::string &conf_file0, 
    const std::string &conf_file1)

  const char *file0 = conf_file0 == "" ? NULL : conf_file0.c_str();
  const char *file1 = conf_file1 == "" ? NULL : conf_file1.c_str();

  // Convert pyobject to IplImage/Mat etc.
  cv::Mat img = convertObj2Mat(image);
  bool isColor = img.channels() == 3 ? true : false;

  int nlandmarks;
  int landmarks[500]; // space for x,y coords of up to 250 landmarks
  asmLandmarksSearcher->search(&nlandmarks, landmarks,
      "image_name", (const char*), img.cols, img.rows,
      isColor /* is_color */, file0 /* conf_file0 */, file1 /* conf_file1 */);
      //isColor /* is_color */, NULL /* conf_file0 */, NULL /* conf_file1 */);

  // Convert landmarks to python list object
  bp::list pyLandmarks;
  for (int i = 0; i < 2*nlandmarks; i++)

  return pyLandmarks;

cv::Mat Stasm::convert_from_cvmat(PyObject *o, const char* name)
  cv::Mat dest;
  cvmat_t *m = (cvmat_t*)o;
  void *buffer;
  Py_ssize_t buffer_len;

  m->a->refcount = NULL;
  if (m->data && PyString_Check(m->data))
    assert(cvGetErrStatus() == 0);
    char *ptr = PyString_AsString(m->data) + m->offset;
    cvSetData(m->a, ptr, m->a->step);
    assert(cvGetErrStatus() == 0);
    dest = m->a;

  else if (m->data && PyObject_AsWriteBuffer(m->data, &buffer, &buffer_len) == 0)
    cvSetData(m->a, (void*)((char*)buffer + m->offset), m->a->step);
    assert(cvGetErrStatus() == 0);
    dest = m->a;
    printf("CvMat argument '%s' has no data", name);
    //failmsg("CvMat argument '%s' has no data", name);
  return dest;


cv::Mat Stasm::convert_from_cviplimage(PyObject *o,const char *name)
  cv::Mat dest;
  iplimage_t *ipl = (iplimage_t*)o;
  void *buffer;
  Py_ssize_t buffer_len;

  if (PyString_Check(ipl->data)) {
    cvSetData(ipl->a, PyString_AsString(ipl->data) + ipl->offset, ipl->a->widthStep);
    assert(cvGetErrStatus() == 0);
    dest = ipl->a;
  } else if (ipl->data && PyObject_AsWriteBuffer(ipl->data, &buffer, &buffer_len) == 0) {
    cvSetData(ipl->a, (void*)((char*)buffer + ipl->offset), ipl->a->widthStep);
    assert(cvGetErrStatus() == 0);
    dest = ipl->a;
  } else {
    printf("IplImage argument '%s' has no data", name);
  return dest;

cv::Mat Stasm::convertObj2Mat(bp::object image)
  if(strcmp(image.ptr()->ob_type->tp_name,"") == 0)
    return convert_from_cviplimage(image.ptr(),image.ptr()->ob_type->tp_name);
    return convert_from_cvmat(image.ptr(), image.ptr()->ob_type->tp_name);

And the sample code to test it looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import cv2
import pystasm
import numpy as np
import sys


def getFacePointsMapping():
  mapping = {}
  fhd = open('mapping2.txt')
  line = fhd.readline()
  a = line.split()
  for i, n in enumerate(a):
    mapping[int(n)] = i

  return mapping

def drawFaceKeypoints(img, landmarks):
  mapping = getFacePointsMapping()
  numpyLandmarks = np.asarray(landmarks)
  numLandmarks = len(landmarks) / 2
  numpyLandmarks = numpyLandmarks.reshape(numLandmarks, -1)
  for i in range(0, len(landmarks) - 1, 2):
    pt = (landmarks[i], landmarks[i+1])
    #cv2.polylines(img, [numpyLandmarks], False, (0, 255, 0))
    number = mapping[i/2], pt, 3, (255, 0, 0),
    cv2.putText(img, str(number), pt, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, (0, 0, 255)) 

  return img

def getFacePointsMapping():
  mapping = []
  fhd = open('mapping2.txt')
  line = fhd.readline()
  a = line.split()
  for n in a:

  return mapping

def main():

  asmsearcher = pystasm.Stasm('mu-68-1d.conf', 'mu-76-2d.conf')

  if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    imagename = sys.argv[1]
    imagename = DEFAULT_TEST_IMAGE

# Detect facial keypoints in image
  img = cv2.imread(imagename)
  img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
  landmarks = asmsearcher.detect(

  img = drawFaceKeypoints(img, landmarks)

  #numpyLandmarks = np.asarray(landmarks)
  #numLandmarks = len(landmarks) / 2
  #numpyLandmarks = numpyLandmarks.reshape(numLandmarks, -1)
  #for i in range(0, len(landmarks) - 1, 2):
  #  pt = (landmarks[i], landmarks[i+1])
  #  #cv2.polylines(img, [numpyLandmarks], False, (0, 255, 0))
  #  number = mapping[i/2]
  #, pt, 3, (255, 0, 0),
  #  cv2.putText(img, str(number), pt, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, (0, 0, 255)) 

  cv2.imshow("test", img)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Sorry I don't have time to clean up the code. Do note that you need to call to get it to work. I'm still trying to figure out how to directly pass numpy array to python boost. If you have already figured it out let me know :).

Btw I should add that the code for converting boost object and opencv's IplImage and Mat are taken from OpenCV's source.